Students define success differently. The mission of Student Success is to help all students maximize their potential for success, from orientation to graduation.
Our goal is to guide students through their transition to Shocker life and to develop skills and processes which will help them graduate while successfully achieving their academic and personal goals. We are passionate about empowering students, fostering belonging, and encouraging them to work intentionally and efficiently to be successful.
The work of Student Success is focused in three areas: First-Year Programs, Academic Success Programs and Success Coaching. Full-time Success Coaches are available to help students in all majors stay on track to graduate and set and reach their academic and personal goals.
Information about specific programs such as Orientation, Supplemental Instruction, tutoring, the Shocker Learning Center and Success Coaches as well as a number of study skills resources can be found on the Student Success website1.
Student Success also partners with faculty to offer general education courses called First-Year Seminars. These 3-credit-hour courses are unique classes designed specifically for new, traditional freshmen and are taught by faculty. The seminars cover a broad range of topics from current events to cultural competency to the arts, and include elements that engage students in learning communities and teach successful student and life skills. More information including a list of seminars offered can be found on the First-Year Seminar website1.
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