OneStop Student Services

OneStop Student Services offers student-focused support for questions related to admissions, advising, financial aid, records and registration, as well as student accounts. OneStop offers student services 24/7/365 via the student Self-Help Portal, the OneStop website1, chat1, and toll-free phone service at 855-978-1787. Additionally, students can drop-in to our in-person location.

OneStop also provides first-year advising for incoming, first-time in college freshmen. OneStop first-year advisors work collaboratively with academic college advising offices to develop a degree plan for each student as well as educate them on the operational tools and resources that will aid their success at Wichita State.

OneStop is located in Shocker Success Center, Suite 104. Regular, in-person office hours are 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday.


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Student Accommodations and Testing

The Office of Student Accommodations and Testing provides academic accommodations for students who experience physical, learning or mental disabilities. Students are required to provide appropriate documentation to the Office of Student Accommodations and Testing before classroom services are provided. For more information, contact:

Office of Student Accommodations and Testing
Wichita State University
1845 Fairmount
Wichita, Kansas 67260-0132
316-978-3309 front office
316-854-3032 video phone
316-978-3114 fax
Student Accommodations and Testing Webpage1

Services are based on the student’s need for academic accommodation. The Office of Student Accommodations and Testing encourages students to be independent on campus and to use those services which help maximize their educational experience.


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International Student Services

The Office of International Education serves the special needs of approximately 2,000 international students from more than 100 countries enrolled at Wichita State University. (See the international student admission section for requirements.) An orientation program specially designed for new international students prepares them for entrance into the U.S. academic system and way of life.

The office also sponsors the Cultural Ambassador Program and other activities that promote interaction between U.S. and international students.

In addition, the office houses a study abroad reference center which provides information to U.S. students on study, work and travel opportunities abroad.

For more information, contact the Garvey International Center, 316-978-3232.

Military and Veteran Services

Wichita State is proud to be committed to helping veterans, active service members, dependents and spouses receiving military benefits make the successful transition into WSU’s academic community. Whether it’s needing assistance with educational benefits, access to resources that ease the transition into the university, or wanting to connect with fellow vets, WSU has access to resources that will help smooth the transition. An overview of resources can be found at the military student services website1.

In the capacity of serving active duty military and veterans, the Office of Online and Adult Learning serves as the point of contact (POC) for inquiries pursuant to the Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding. For questions concerning POC needs, visit the Office of Online and Adult Learning website1.

Captain Riley Leroy Pitts Military and Veteran Student Center

The Captain Riley Leroy Pitts Military and Veteran Student Center, in Room 105 Grace Wilkie Hall, exists to build and maintain a community of students with military experience and to provide comprehensive support for the unique needs of veterans, military members and military dependents in an environment of respect. All students with military experience — past or present — and military dependents are welcome to visit the Military and Veteran Student Center to ask questions, find resources, make connections, study, use the free computer stations, get a free cup of coffee or to just unwind between classes. Call 316-978-3856 or visit the Military and Veteran Student Center website1 for more information. (Current or recent military members needing help with the transition to college can also contact the TRIO Veterans Upward Bound program.)

Veteran Benefits

The Office of Military and Veteran Services provides assistance to military members, veterans and their dependents in using their VA education benefits. It provides information on education benefit programs through the Department of Veterans Affairs, the application process for obtaining education benefits, and the certification process for using these benefits. Additionally, military-connected students who are admitted to Wichita State as non-Kansas residents may be eligible for in-state tuition rates. For additional information on VA education benefits, please visit the WSU VA Education Benefits webpage1, stop by 105 Grace Wilkie, call 316-978-3547 or email:

Military Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance may be offered through the various branches of the military. Students wishing to use military tuition assistance should check with their branch of service education office and chain of command to determine the appropriate procedures for using these benefits. For questions regarding student accounts and tuition assistance billing, contact the Office of Financial Operations at


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Yellow Ribbon Program

WSU has joined the Yellow Ribbon Program, an initiative of the Department of Veteran Affairs through which WSU and the VA share in the cost of the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition. This program will make it more affordable for a larger number of out-of-state students with military backgrounds to attend WSU.

TRIO Programs

TRIO is a set of federally-funded college opportunity programs that motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds in their pursuit of a college degree. Over 850,000 low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities — from sixth grade through college graduation — are served by more than 2,800 programs nationally. TRIO programs provide academic tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial guidance, and other supports necessary for educational access and retention. TRIO programs provide direct support services for students, and relevant training for directors and staff.

For more information about all of the TRIO programs hosted by Wichita State, visit the Office of Special Programs: Programs and Offices webpage1.

The TRIO Disability Support Services assists and advocates for 115 first-generation and/or limited income undergraduate students with learning, physical and psychological disabilities through academic support, resources and services. The program provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with general education college requirements, and motivates students with disabilities toward the successful completion of a baccalaureate degree.

Services provided by TRIO DSS include individualized academic tutoring, advice and assistance in postsecondary course selection and degree planning, assistance with graduate and professional program applications, and career exploration in in-demand industry sectors or occupations and referral. TRIO DSS assists students with information about financial aid programs and scholarship opportunities, provides assistance in completing financial aid applications, and offers education or counseling services designed to improve financial/economic literacy or other skills aimed at building personal financial understanding and responsibility. Students at TRIO DSS sharpen life/study skills through workshops, access to the computer technology lab and textbook loan program, and exposure to academic programs on campus and in the community.

For information, contact TRIO DSS at 316-978-5949, stop by 158 Grace Wilkie Annex, or visit the TRIO DSS website1.


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The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program encourages qualified college juniors and seniors to pursue graduate studies. Named in honor of Challenger space shuttle crew member Dr. Ronald E. McNair, the program provides services which prepare students for post­baccalaureate study, including assistance in locating financial aid, preparation for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and opportunities to attend and present papers at national conferences and to write for scholarly publications. Scholars participate in research conducted by university faculty. Local and national symposiums provide an opportunity for students to present their research. In addition, regular workshops encourage students’ serious consideration of doctoral study. For more information, contact 316-978-3139, or visit the McNair website1.

Student Support Services, a federally-funded program, provides limited income, first generation college students, and individuals with disabilities with a multiplicity of academic support services which assist students to persist and graduate from WSU. The program has three components which provide individualized semester-long peer tutoring, academic advice and course selection, computer and typewriter usage, textbook-loan library, scholarships, comprehensive degree planning, study skills development, and graduate school advisement. The program serves 250 students each year and has been in operation at WSU since 1970.

For additional information, visit the Student Support Services website1, or call 316-978-3715.


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