The Master of Music (MM) degree in conducting, is designed to accommodate a small number of students (up to four per year) who receive extensive individualized conducting preparation with the university’s resident band and orchestra conductors. Candidates have rehearsal/conducting opportunities with both large and small ensembles.


Students must have completed a baccalaureate degree in music. Contingent upon admission into the conducting program and the approval of the appropriate conducting faculty member, all candidates should be prepared to:

  1. Complete a satisfactory conducting audition conducting a university ensemble;
  2. Perform on their primary performing instrument;
  3. Demonstrate their understanding of score analysis; and/or
  4. Complete a personal interview.

Program Requirements

Students must complete the coursework listed below.

Students entering all MM programs will take a music theory assessment and are recommended to one of two music theory entry courses. The program requires a total of 32 credit hours, at least half of which must be in courses numbered 700 and above.

Course Title Hours
Core Requirements for All MM Concentrations
MUSC 852Introduction to Bibliography and Research3
MUSC 829Practical Application of Tonal Analysis2
or MUSC 831 Music Theory Pedagogy
Musicology/Theory Electives
Select 7 credits from the following courses7
Form and Analysis
Performance and Analysis
Topics in Analysis: Music in Media
Topics in Analysis: Popular Music Analysis
Topics in Musicology: Aesthetics
Topics in Musicology: Ethnography
Topics in Musicology: Gender
Topics in Musicology: Popular Musics
Music Theory Pedagogy 1
Seminar in Music Theory
Seminar in Music History
Conduction Requirements
Required Conducting Study
MUSP 790CSpecial Topics: Conducting2
MUSP 790RSpecial Topics: Score Analysis2
MUSP 790KPerformance Practicum2
MUSP 790ADRehearsal Techniques2
Approved Ensembles
Conducting observation laboratories assigned by major advisor4
Wind Ensemble (repeatable)
Orchestra (repeatable)
Symphonic Band (repeatable)
Concert Chorale (repeatable)
Approved Electives
Select music or nonmusic courses 500 or above; may include applied lessons, ensembles, languages, etc. Courses must be approved by the faculty advisor.6
Graduate Recital
MUSP 873Graduate Recital (repeatable)2
Total Credit Hours32

A conducting recital must be presented using university students and ensembles. Metropolitan or ad hoc ensembles may be substituted with faculty approval.


All degree candidates in the School of Music who are not defending a thesis must pass a two-part comprehensive exam: one in musicology/music theory and one which is discipline specific.


MUSC 831 can only be used as a musicology/theory elective with MUSC 829 as a core course.

Applied Learning 

Students in the Master of Music in conducting are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by a terminal conducting recital ( MUSP 873) given in their second year.