
Admission to the MM program in performance requires a performance background, with a bachelor's degree in music in the performance area of specialization or the equivalent of the BM, as well as contact information for three people to provide letters of recommendation. Background deficiencies must be satisfied before admission to candidacy. All performance degree candidates must complete a satisfactory audition in their performance area of specialization.

Program Requirements

Students must complete the coursework listed below. 

Students entering all MM programs will take a music theory assessment and are recommended to one of two music theory entry courses. The program requires a total of 32 credit hours, at least half of which must be in courses numbered 700 and above.

Course Title Hours
Core Requirements for All MM Programs
MUSC 852Introduction to Bibliography and Research3
MUSC 829Practical Application of Tonal Analysis2
or MUSC 831 Music Theory Pedagogy
Musicology/Theory Electives
Select 7 credit hours from the following courses7
Form and Analysis
Performance and Analysis
Topics in Analysis: Music in Media
Topics in Analysis: Popular Music Analysis
Topics in Musicology: Aesthetics
Topics in Musicology: Ethnography
Topics in Musicology: Gender
Topics in Musicology: Popular Musics
Music Theory Pedagogy 1
Seminar in Music Theory
Seminar in Music History
Strings, Winds and Percussion Requirements
Graduate Performance Study
10 credit hours of instruction in major medium10
MUSA 732_
Applied Music Instruction (repeatable for credit)
MUSA 734_
Applied Music Instruction (repeatable for credit)
Small Chamber Ensemble — Audition Required
Select 2 credit hours from the following2
MUSP 710__, MUSP 711__, MUSP 712__, MUSP 713__, MUSP 714__ (A) Orchestra, (B) Symphonic Wind Ensemble or Concert Band, (J) Piano Accompaniment, (M) Jazz Combo, (N) Woodwind Ensemble, (O) Saxophone Quartet, (P) Brass Chamber Ensemble, (R) Percussion Ensemble, (S) String Ensemble and String Chamber Ensemble, (T) Jazz Arts Ensembles I and II, (V) Guitar Ensemble, (X) New Music Ensemble.
Select music or nonmusic courses 500 or above; may include applied lessons, ensembles, languages, etc. Courses must be approved by the faculty advisor.6
Graduate Recital
MUSP 873Graduate Recital2
Total Credit Hours32

A formal graduate recital, in lieu of a thesis, must be presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MM degree with emphasis in performance. In order to receive permission to schedule a degree recital, students must satisfy the expectations of the respective performance area. Recital permission must be obtained no later than the semester before the semester in which the recital is to be performed. The student’s performance repertoire and the recital program must be in accordance with the guidelines and expectations established by the respective performance area.


All degree candidates in the School of Music who are not defending a thesis must pass a two-part comprehensive exam: one in musicology/music theory and one which is discipline specific.

Note: Students studying for the MM degree with emphasis in performance should plan to be in residence during at least one fall or spring semester, since continuous study opportunities may not exist in summer session.


MUSC 831 can only be used as a musicology/theory elective with MUSC 829 as a core course.

Applied Learning

Students in the Masters of Music in performance - strings, winds and percussion concentration are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by a terminal recital ( MUSP 873) given in their second year.