The Barton School of Business offers the Master of Business Administration (MBA) through faculty in the accounting; economics; finance, real estate and decision sciences; management and marketing departments, as well as in other colleges of the university. The MBA program is designed to prepare students for responsible positions of professional leadership in business, government, health-related organizations and other institutions. The program concentrates on general management, with particular attention given to developing within the student an understanding of the organization as an integrated system. Areas of concentration are available for those students wishing to focus their elective coursework in a specialized area. Concentration areas currently available are business data management, finance, health care administration, human resource management, marketing, and supply chain management.
Classes are taken for graduate credit and all of the courses are offered in the evening.
- All incoming MBA students must attend an orientation session, which includes an introduction to the philosophy of graduate business education, development of networking skills, discussions about the history of the Barton School and the MBA program, and an overview of success strategies for MBA students. Only after completion of the orientation is a student considered for full standing in the MBA program.
- A candidate’s individual plan of study must be approved by the director and submitted to the Graduate School for final approval. This plan must be filed within a month of the completion of 12 credit hours of graduate work.
- All candidates must complete 36 credit hours of 800-level courses including:
Course List Course Title Hours ACCT 801 Managerial Accounting 3 DS 850 Operations Management 3 ECON 804 Managerial Economics 3 FIN 850 Managerial Finance 3 MGMT 803 Business Decision Making and Analysis 3 or MKT 803 Marketing Research MGMT 862 Organizational Behavior 3 MGMT 885 Advanced Strategic Management 3 MKT 801 Marketing Management 3 MIS 874 Management Information Systems 3 IB 836 International Business and Competitiveness 3 BLAW 810 Law and Ethics for Business 3 And 3 credit hours of electives which must be at the 700–800 level 3 Total Credit Hours 36
Additional Policies
Graduates of the WSU Master of Engineering Management (MEM) and the WSU Master of Science in Management Science and Supply Chain Management (MSSCM) may be allowed to use up to 12 credit hours from the technical electives taken from the WSU MBA courses if they enroll in the Master of Business Administration program.
The total credit hours required of students and the level at which they begin participation in the MBA program depend on their academic preparation. Students without a background in business may be required to take up to 6 credit hours of undergraduate prerequisite coursework, and may also be required to complete up to 9 credit hours of graduate-level preparatory coursework that will count toward the degree. The total number of credit hours required for completion of an MBA therefore ranges from 36 to 45, depending on the student’s background.
Concentrations in the Master of Business Administration Degree Program
The MBA degree program is a general management degree equipping students with an understanding of organizations as integrated systems. Within the program the curriculum provides knowledge across organizational functions. Students may wish to focus their elective coursework in a specific area of study to enhance their general organizational knowledge base by selecting a concentration from the following options provided in the MBA program.
- MBA - Master of Business Administration
- MBA - Business Data Management Concentration
- MBA - Finance Concentration
- MBA - Health Care Administration Concentration
- MBA - Human Resource Management Concentration
- MBA - Marketing Concentration
- MBA - Supply Chain Management Concentration
- MEM to MBA Program
MS in Management Science and Supply Chain Management to MBA Program