ARTF - Art Foundation
Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.
ARTF 102. Introduction to Art and Design (3).
Introduces fundamental concepts in analyzing and interpreting visual art and resources available in the university and community. Employs lectures and collaborative and/or experiential modes of learning. Written assignments introduce students to various interpretive and analytical models for determining meaning and cultural value in art. Attendance at art exhibitions, receptions and lectures is required.
ARTF 136. Foundation 2-D Design (3).
Introduces design for visual communication. Studies the elements of art and the principles of design relating to formal, Gestalt and conceptual organization of the two-dimensional surface. Includes elements of line, shape, space, texture and value. Instructional process includes lecture, critique and supervised studio practice. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course.
ARTF 145. Foundation Drawing (3).
Introduces visual arts concepts, vocabulary, tools, materials, basic drawing skills and attitudes through the drawing experience. Teaches perceptual skills and the ability to represent objects in space and organize them into a coherent pictorial statement along with technical and expressive competence with a limited range of media. Structured homework assignments. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course.
ARTF 189. Foundation 3-D Design (3).
Lectures, research and studio methods on the evolutionary role of three-dimensional design in contemporary society using a variety and combination of materials, techniques, forms and concepts. Also emphasizes learning to handle equipment and tools properly. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course.
ARTF 202. Mid-Program Review (0-1).
Students receive information about degree options and career choices in art and design; prepare a plan of study for upper-division coursework; exhibit a portfolio or dossier for faculty evaluation of readiness for upper-division coursework; and apply to one of the majors in the school with portfolio and plan of study. Prerequisite(s): completion of or concurrent enrollment in 6 credit hours of ARTH 125A-Z; completion of or concurrent enrollment in any two 200+ courses from ARTE, ARTS and/or ARTG. Pre- or corequisite(s): completion of 6 credit hours, and concurrent enrollment in remaining 6 credit hours, of ARTF 102, ARTF 136, ARTF 145 and ARTF 189.