CJ - Criminal Justice

Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.

CJ 191.  Introduction to Criminal Justice   (3).

General education social and behavioral sciences course. Introduces crime and the criminal justice system by discussing the nature of crime and by identifying multiple facets of the justice system, including the police, the courts and correctional agencies. Studies the role of the criminal justice system as it relates to the individual and to society. Students become acquainted with criminal justice careers. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course.

CJ 191BA.  Badge: Introduction to Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement   (0.5).

Provides an introduction to criminal justice with an emphasis on law enforcement. Using OER (open educational resource) materials, students are introduced to the world of law enforcement in the United States; includes the history of different agencies, their functions, and the basic foundations of police work. Students also learn about current issues, trends and challenges relating to law enforcement and how they impact criminal justice and the United States. Taking all six badges in the Intro to CJ series will be the equivalent of CJ 191. Graded Bg/NBg.

CJ 191BB.  Badge: Introduction to Criminal Justice - Courts   (0.5).

Provides an introduction to criminal justice with an emphasis on the courts. Using OER (open educational resource) materials, students are introduced to the federal and state courts systems in the United States; includes the history, functions structures, actors and trials processes. Students also learn about challenges facing the courts and how they impact criminal justice and the United States. Taking all six badges in the Intro to CJ series will be the equivalent of CJ 191. Graded Bg/NBg.

CJ 191BC.  Badge: Introduction to Criminal Justice - Corrections   (0.5).

Introduces criminal justice emphasizing corrections. Using OER (open educational resource) materials, students are introduced to the corrections system in the United States; including the history of punishments and corrections, the purpose and function of corrections, and the different types of corrections used in the United States. Also discusses some basics about offender populations and corrections before moving on to explore the corrections field as it relates to criminal justice professions and their jobs. Taking all six badges in the Intro to CJ series will be the equivalent of CJ 191. Graded Bg/NBg.

CJ 191BD.  Badge: Introduction to Criminal Justice - Juvenile Justice   (0.5).

Introduces criminal justice emphasizing juvenile justice. Using OER (open educational resource) materials, students are introduced to the juvenile justice system in the United States; including the history of juvenile justice, the development and growth of juvenile rights, and the establishment of the juvenile court system and process. Also discusses some basics about the juvenile correctional system before moving on to explore juvenile justice and criminal justice professionals in this field. Taking all six badges in the Intro to CJ series will be the equivalent of CJ 191. Graded Bg/NBg.

CJ 220.  Professional Responsibility in Criminal Justice   (3).

Explores the major components involved in the study of professional ethics, particularly as it applies to modern ethical decision making in the field of criminal justice. Provides a practical approach to ethical decision making for common issues and problems faced by criminal justice professionals. Focuses on not only basic professional ethics concepts but also on current events and the codes of conduct for criminal justice professionals. Course includes diversity content.

CJ 235.  Tools and Techniques of Cybercrime   (3).

Cross-listed as AC 235, HLS 235. Introduces students to the basic cybercrime tools, techniques and concepts to better prepare for today’s information technology in criminal justice. Tools and techniques used by cybercriminals and cybercrime investigators, such as Tor, IP addresses, VPN, OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence), and data sharing and analysis, are discussed concerning cybercrime prevention, mitigation and investigations. Some concepts discussed include privacy, surveillance, artificial intelligence and biometrics. The course prepares students for further cybercrime and cybersecurity courses.

CJ 315.  Criminal Law   (3).

General education social and behavioral sciences course. History, scope and nature of law; parties to crime, classification of offenses, act and intent; capacity to commit crime; and defenses. Examines elements of major criminal statutes and an overview of criminal processes and rules of evidence. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course.

CJ 320.  Criminal Procedure   (3).

Criminal procedure in the criminal justice system, including rights of accused, initiation of prosecution, rules of arrest, search and seizure, and the exclusionary rule.

CJ 324.  Sports Criminology   (3).

Cross-listed as SOC 323. With the high-profile nature of modern sport, increased amounts of media attention have highlighted not only individual acts of criminality, but also crimes committed by groups, organizations and/or communities. Class purpose is to expose students to not only various explanations, but also to provide the tools necessary for better understanding athletes, spectators, sport managers, groups and organizations involved in criminal offenses.

CJ 341.  Criminalistics and Scientific Crime Detection   (3).

Studies the application of the natural sciences to assist law enforcement officers and the criminal justice system. Studies investigative procedures from the crime scene through laboratory analysis to the presentation of evidence in court.

CJ 343.  Special Investigations   (3).

Care, collection and preservation of evidence. Studies sources of information and locating subjects, crime scene recording and investigative techniques applicable to specific offenses.

CJ 351.  The Victim in Criminal Justice   (3).

General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines the relationship of crime victims to the criminal justice system. Considers the role of the victim in crime occurrences, as well as theoretical developments in the field.

CJ 353.  White Collar Crime   (3).

Surveys the scope and impact of white collar crime in America, from the fundamentals of investigating and prosecuting white collar crimes through the complexities of interstate and international fraud in the digital age. Provides students with an introduction to the key topics in white collar crime using real criminal cases to examine the role of law enforcement, the courts, business and technology in the criminal justice system. Reviews the societal and economic conditions involved in the appearance, spread and expansion of white collar crime in America and the various systems used to respond to white collar crime. Constitutional issues as well as jurisdiction, extradition and asset forfeiture are also studied.

CJ 355.  Special Populations in the Criminal Justice System   (3).

General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines the role of women and minorities as employees of the criminal justice system. Also explores the role of women, minorities, juveniles and elder citizens as individuals who commit crime and are apprehended and sanctioned by the criminal justice system. Considers the unique challenges of each of the four identified populations, including their interactions with law enforcement, the judiciary and corrections. Course includes diversity content.

CJ 360.  Multiculturalism in Criminal Justice   (3).

Introduces students to the pervasive influence of culture, race/ethnicity, gender and socially misconstrued ideas about certain types of crime, offenders and victims viewed through societal and individual lenses. Examines the impact of prejudice, stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma on offenders and victims as they go through the criminal justice system. Additionally, the course focuses on the interface of the criminal justice system and marginalized populations. Throughout the course, the need for awareness of multicultural society, understanding cultural differences, and respect toward those of varied backgrounds is emphasized. Students engage in individual and team activities that foster an understanding of multicultural issues in criminal justice so that they are able to interact successfully with others with diverse backgrounds both at the personal and professionals levels. Course includes diversity content.

CJ 381.  Special Topics   (3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 381A, 381B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

CJ 381AY.  Drug Policy and Politics   (3).

Cross-listed as POLS 391AC. A survey of the historical, social and political discourse on the relationship between drugs, people and policy in the United States focusing on the criminalization of illicit substances. Drug policy is political and the history of US drug policy demonstrates it has often been driven by considerations and forces far removed from the drugs themselves. Content includes historical patterns of drug abuse in the US, contemporary drug use, drug laws, the connection of drug use to crime and violence, the "War on Drugs", and public-policy analysis of evolving drug policies. This course analyzes the political context, key stakeholders, levels of public support and understanding, impact on social justice, and policy change.

CJ 381CD.  Insider Threat: Identification, Mitigation, Deterrence and Prevention   (3).

Cross-listed as HLS 470D. Explores the ever-growing danger of insider threats faced by government agencies and business entities. Students examine strategies used in the identification, mitigation, deterrence and prevention of insider threats within public and private sectors. Analyze issues and challenges of these threats regarding espionage, embezzlement, sabotage, fraud, intellectual property theft, and research and development theft, from current and former employees, within government or business organizations. Students review real-life case scenarios of insider threats.

CJ 391.  Corrections   (3).

A survey course. Presents an overview of the role, structure and function of the correctional system in American society. Emphasizes the principal aspects of both institutional and community-based corrections.

CJ 392.  Law Enforcement   (3).

Examines the interaction of police and citizens as regulated by constitutional provisions and other legal and social constraints.

CJ 394.  Courts and Judicial Systems   (3).

General education social and behavioral sciences course. Consists of a “Law on the Books” vs. “Law in Action” approach to the courts and judicial systems of the United States. Students learn about the dual court system; the actors in and roles of the courtroom workgroup – judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys; the types and basic rights of defendants and victims in the judicial system as well as an overview of the procedures and rules involved as a defendant is processed through the system from arrest, pre-trial procedures, trial, sentencing and finally appeal and post sentencing relief. As a result, students have an in-depth view of the adversarial, yet interconnected, actors and procedures that make up the basis of the criminal justice system in the United States.

CJ 401.  Management of Criminal Justice Agencies   (3).

Intensive examination of a variety of emerging administrative and management concepts and the processes related to the determination and implementation of management philosophy. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191.

CJ 407.  Introduction to Research Methods   (3).

Introduces research methods emphasizing the methods most commonly used. Includes library and reference materials, government documents, and legal materials.

CJ 420.  Criminal Evidence: Mock Trials   (3).

Concepts of criminal evidence rules as they pertain to kinds and degrees of evidence — procedure for admitting or excluding evidence; witnesses and privileged communications, the hearsay rule and its exceptions; and judicial notice, burdens of proof and presumptions. Emphasizes the rules of evidence that govern the criminal justice process. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191.

CJ 435.  Cybercrime   (3).

Introduces students to the nature and types of cybercrime, legislation and criminal justice responses to combat cybercrime, and the role of information security in preventing and detecting cyber threats. As a growing transnational crime, cybercrime in this course may cover relevant criminological theories, hacking characteristics, the role of transnational organized crime and criminal enterprises, federal laws and responses, and investigative tools, among many other topics. Students review adjudicated federal cases and develop incident responses to simulated security incidents.

CJ 481.  Cooperative Education   (1-6).

Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Repeatable for credit. No more than 6 credit hours may be counted toward the CJ major. Enrollment limited to a maximum of 4 credit hours in one semester. Prerequisite(s): 24 total credit hours and consent of the criminal justice agency.

CJ 481N.  Internship   (1-4).

Complements and enhances the student's academic program by providing an opportunity to apply and acquire knowledge in a workplace environment as an intern. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.

CJ 483.  Individual Directed Study   (1-3).

Study in a specialized area of the criminal justice system emphasizing the student's research project. Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): 15 credit hours in the criminal justice core and individual directed study coordinator's consent.

CJ 500.  Constitutional Criminal Justice in the 21st Century   (3).

Cross-listed as HIST 599AK, POLS 500. Unlike CJ 320 Criminal Procedure that provides only an overview of constitutional principles while concentrating on general criminal law procedures, this course more deeply examines the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th amendments to the United States Constitution and how their requirements affect practitioners and citizens alike. The course uses seminal Supreme Court cases to provide deep understanding of constitutional law and why society requires our criminal justice system to seek justice, to reflect reasonableness, and to respect the concepts of liberty and individual rights, while at the same time recognizing societal authority and its dual needs of security and redress for crime victims. The course recognizes the importance of the Rule of Law in a representative democracy.

CJ 510.  Crime and Transportation   (3).

Explores the relationship between crime and a variety of forms of transportation, including public transport, paratransit and private vehicles. Looks at crimes against passengers, transit employees and the system itself, as well as some types of terrorism incidents involving transportation. Focuses primarily on transportation as the setting for these crime events, using an opportunity theory perspective, and on situational crime prevention strategies to address these crimes. The use of transportation to facilitate crime is also discussed. When looking at crime and fear of crime, the course examines the utility of adopting a “whole journey” approach.

CJ 513.  Violent Crime   (3).

General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines the extent, causes and policy implications of violent crime. Begins with a review of the rates of violent crime in various parts of the U.S. Provides students with some direct experience of violence such as an emergency room observation period or a panel of victims of violence. Course also covers the theoretical approaches of violent crime as well as factors related to violence among strangers vs. families. Critical reviews of various policy responses to violence, including their likelihood to prevent or reduce violent crime are required.

CJ 515.  Sex Crimes   (3).

Examines and defines what are classified as criminal forms of sexual behavior and the unique challenges they present to the criminal justice system. Examines the extent and nature of sex crimes, sexual predator laws, sexual harassment and the victims of such crimes. Discusses the theoretical developments in the field.

CJ 516.  Profiling   (3).

Familiarizes students with the methods used to profile violent crimes, including homicide, rape, arson and burglary. Includes scope of the problem in each of these crimes, typical investigation sequence and the role of profiling up to the trial preparation stage.

CJ 517.  Homicide Investigation   (3).

Introduces death investigations from an investigation-oriented perspective. Emphasizes crime scene investigations, mechanisms of injury and death and sex-related homicides.

CJ 518.  Criminal Justice and Crime in Film   (3).

General education social and behavioral sciences course. Presents films and associated popular cultural materials related to the criminal justice system and crime. The genre of the crime film has become an important component of contemporary culture. Begins with the basics of film criticism and provides students with instruction on elements of a film genre. American and European films are considered.

CJ 521.  Forensic Social Work   (3).

Cross-listed as SCWK 521. Introduction to and overview of the field of forensic social work. Content focuses on the role of social workers in forensic arenas, and the issues related to recent practice trends, relevant theoretical frameworks, collaborative team roles, and multisystem interactions. Psychosocial and legal issues are explored, with particular focus on intersections with family and social services, education, child welfare, mental health, substance abuse, criminal justice, diversity and human rights. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of social sciences.

CJ 522.  Domestic Violence   (3).

Cross-listed as SCWK 590. Deals with the roots of domestic violence embedded in family roles, legal systems, religious beliefs, and the psychology of women, children and men. Also covers the consequences and prevention of family abuse. Includes discussion of literature and films. Course includes diversity content.

CJ 540.  Racial Profiling   (3).

Examines racial profiling, or as it is also referred to — biased-based policing. Emphasizes racial minority citizens who believe they were stopped by police authorities because of their race. Examines how racial minority citizens experience what they believe to be racial profiling, and how they interpret and give meaning to it. Examines police perspectives on racial profiling. Course includes diversity content.

CJ 551.  Workshop   (1-6).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 551A, 551B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

CJ 561.  International Perspectives on Multiculturalism in Law Enforcement   (3).

Introduces students to the pervasive influence of culture, race/ethnicity and gender viewed through the lens of law enforcement with a global perspective. Content includes construction of concepts of culture and multiculturalism and how these relate to law enforcement response to marginalized populations. Experiential learning provides a basis for cross-cultural understanding of a global issue. Course includes diversity content.

CJ 581.  Advanced Special Topics in Criminal Justice   (1-4).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 581A, 581B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191, junior, senior or graduate standing.

CJ 581A.  Women, Crime and Criminal Justice   (3).

Provides an immersive understanding of women’s involvement with the criminal justice system. Divided into three major sections: (1) women’s victimization and pathways into criminality; (2) the incarceration of women and gender-responsive correctional programming; and (3) women as professionals working in the field of criminal justice. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191, junior, senior or graduate standing.

CJ 581AB.  Juvenile Justice and Delinquency   (3).

Provides a comprehensive study of the juvenile justice system. It involves an examination of the nature and extent of delinquency including theories of crime causation and attempts to provide insight into juvenile criminal involvement. Further, the course reviews the significant stages of juvenile processing which includes both specialized juvenile law and the role of the courts, police and community-based corrections, focusing on both historical and recent changes and developments in juvenile justice. Course includes diversity content.

CJ 581B.  Correctional Administration   (3).

Provides an immersive understanding of the various roles of a correctional administration. Divided into four major sections: (1) correctional leadership; (2) human resources and financial management; (3) critical incident management; and (4) recognizing/working with stakeholders. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): CJ 391.

CJ 581C.  Crime Analysis   (3).

Discusses a range of techniques used by crime analysts when seeking to understand recurring crime and disorder problems and patterns. These techniques are linked with underlying crime event and policing theories. Problem-oriented policing analytical techniques and techniques related to crime mapping are discussed.

CJ 581D.  Crime Mapping and ArcGIS   (3).

A hands-on course where students are introduced to geographic information systems (GIS), learning about geographic concepts and the spatial analysis of crime. ArcGIS desktop is used to develop technical skills needed for mapping, forecasting, analyzing and spatially presenting data associated with crime. The mapping of public data from the Census Bureau and municipalities is used for operationalizing criminological theory and developing class projects to explain real-world crime problems.

CJ 581E.  Combating Human Trafficking   (3).

Sex trafficking is a complex social problem with multiple contributing factors largely rooted in intersecting inequalities. Interrelated inequities in gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, power, class, opportunity, education, culture, politics and race are among the social phenomena that contribute to sex trafficking/commercial sexual exploitation victimization. In this course, students examine the dynamics of sex trafficking from various feminist and political perspectives. This course covers the extent and nature of the problem; including demand, prevalence, experiences of survivors, types of sex trafficking, methods of traffickers, the role of weak social institutions, cultural dynamics, and global power dynamics. This course also examines international, federal and state legislation as well as organizational and grassroots efforts to prevent and respond to sex trafficking victimization. The aim of this course is to provide students with a holistic understanding of sex trafficking, drawing from interdisciplinary sources and presenting a variety of perspectives.

CJ 581F.  Serial Killers   (3).

Examines the history, dynamics, causation, investigation and control of the phenomenon of serial crimes, particularly homicide. Emphasizes investigative techniques including psychological and geographic profiling.

CJ 581G.  Animal Abuse and Human Violence   (3).

Cross-listed as PSY 581. Examines the link between animal abuse and violence against humans from a criminological perspective. Using studies on victims of domestic violence and other types of interpersonal violence, students explore the correlation between animal abuse and human violence, legal tools to protect animals and victims, and clinical assessments of animal abusers. Historical and cultural contexts of the role of animals in wildlife, farms, the entertainment industry and households are also discussed for strategic changes for animal welfare at the individual, familial and societal levels. Students interact with professionals who handle animal abuse cases and those in animal welfare. Course includes diversity content. Course includes service-learning content.

CJ 581I.  Forensic Photography   (3).

Cross-listed as FS 381AS. Photographic documentation plays a major role in recording crime scenes and physical evidence upon its discovery. Course provides photography theory and hands-on application as applied to criminal investigations and criminalistics. Provides an understanding of theory, methods and skills needed for proper exposure, lighting techniques and composition to produce sharp, well defined, properly exposed digital images used as part of the criminal investigative and judicial process. Students become familiar with the use of digital single-lens reflex camera equipment and develop the photographic methods to recognize, take and prepare images for investigative and/or courtroom use. Students are given the opportunity to apply learned skills while processing mock crime scenes and other photographic assignments.

CJ 581K.  Crime Scene Reconstruction   (3).

Through text and case studies participants learn to analyze crime scene events using established principles and scientific method to define as accurately as possible what did and did not occur during the commission of major crimes. Participants develop the ability to take information from multiple investigative sources and forensic disciplines to effectively understand the events surrounding the commission of crime, as well as limitations in the investigative process. Through deductive and inductive reasoning students learn strategies for evaluating the context of scenes and items of physical evidence found within a scene in an effort to identify what occurred and in what order it occurred. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191 and CJ 341.

CJ 581M.  Criminal Mind and Behavior   (3).

Designed to provide a foundational understanding of criminal behavior from a psychological perspective. Specifically, discusses the role of psychology in explaining criminal behavior and the nature of the violent crime, as well as risk assessment with the help of case study and field practices. It also explores the potential impact of genetics, biology and developmental pathways on delinquency and criminality as these factors may offer new insight into the holistic examination of the etiology of violence. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191.

CJ 581N.  3D Scanning: From Crime Scene to Court Room   (3).

An applied course using laser scanning LiDAR to accurately measure and precisely collect data from objects, surfaces, buildings and landscapes to capture millions of 3D coordinated points in order to produce visual point clouds. Using state-of-the-art software this geospatial data can be used in crime scene and accident reconstruction, historical preservation and redevelopment, the detailing of archaeological excavations or geological features, geographic information systems (GIS), video game creation, and the documentation of large project sites and civil infrastructure. Prerequisite(s): basic understanding of the Microsoft Window operating system.

CJ 581P.  Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis   (3).

Cross-listed as FS 381CB. Designed for those interested in becoming investigators, crime scene technicians, forensic technicians and others involved in criminal and medical-legal investigations and crime scene analysis. Provides a fundamental knowledge of the discipline of bloodstain pattern analysis. Students learn the basic principles of bloodstain pattern analysis and the practical application of the discipline in criminal casework. Provides the foundation of bloodstain pattern analysis and is a prerequisite to other advanced bloodstain training taught in the criminal justice system; this course is not intended to create an "instant" expert. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191.

CJ 581Q.  Forensic Victimology   (3).

Introduces students to the scientific study of crime victims as it relates to the investigation and prosecution of (violent) crimes. Examines the intersection of crime victimization, forensic evidence and criminal procedure with particular attention to the physical and psychological consequences of violent victimization, victim-centered/trauma-informed investigation and DNA/medical evidence. As part of a thorough understanding of forensic victimology, the role of various professionals (e.g., forensic nurses, forensic scientists, medical examiners/coroners) and victim services are explored. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191.

CJ 581R.  Aspects of Interview and Interrogation Techniques   (3).

Provides an introduction and overview of common interview methods used within modern Western societies. Through guest speakers and article reviews, the course analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the various interview strategies. By examination and review of conventional methods, it determines which approach is most likely to produce the most factual, truthful and detailed information within a legal and admissible format. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191.

CJ 581S.  Victims and Victim Services   (3).

Examines the nature of violent victimization as well as services and treatment options available for crime victims. Topics include stress and coping models for victims, crisis intervention, child abuse, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, homicide, elder abuse and mass violence. As part of understanding the interface between victims and the criminal justice system, victimization patterns, victim-offender relationships, victim interaction with law enforcement and the victim's role in court are discussed.

CJ 581U.  Gangs: Trafficking in Violence   (3).

Introduces the student to a basic understanding of the historical developments, origins, philosophy, activities and current trends of street/prison gangs across the United States, and specifically to the Wichita, Kansas area. Explores areas of violence, criminal activity, recruitment, identifiers, tattoos, clothing, graffiti, etc. associated with street/prison gangs. Additionally, the role of the police, prosecution, prison system, and the community in preventing, intervening, and suppressing street/prison gangs is discussed, emphasizing the law enforcement perspective.

CJ 581W.  Terrorism   (3).

Cross-listed as HLS 420. Introduces students to the phenomena of contemporary terrorism and extremism. Emphasizes extremism as a foundation for terrorist behavior, types of terrorism, and how governments and law enforcement agencies respond to terrorism. Particular emphasis is on domestic and home-grown terrorism. Introduces theoretical approaches to the study of terrorism. Weaves a thread of extremist literature and perspectives throughout the semester. Highlights the role of law enforcement and other public administrative agencies.

CJ 581X.  The Psychology of Homicide   (3).

An advanced review of trends, theories and different aspects of homicide and its roots in the criminal mind. Trends for U.S. homicides, as well as global trends, are a major tool in understanding this extreme form of violence. The course includes a brief review of etiology of violence within the mind. Major forms of homicide receive some attention.

CJ 581Y.  Child Abuse and Neglect: The Role of Child Welfare Agencies   (3).

Cross-listed as SCWK 610AA, SOC 581. Examines the Kansas foster care system from multiple perspectives, including those of social workers, law enforcement and attorneys. Topics covered include services provided to juveniles in the custody of the state, neglect and abuse investigations, government policies affecting youth, the impact of the juvenile criminal justice system, and civil rights litigation involving youth in custody. Students become acquainted with the role of the foster care system, relevant statutory and Supreme Court case law, and law enforcement practices.

CJ 581Z.  Cold Case Investigations-BTK C   (3).

Uses case studies to demonstrate techniques used to address the particular challenge of older unsolved homicide cases that are commonly referred to as “cold cases." Presents cases that have been solved through applying modern scientific capabilities to older cases.

CJ 593.  Crime Causation and Criminal Justice Policy   (3).

General education social and behavioral sciences course. Introduces theoretical issues in criminal justice. Primary emphasis is the etiology of criminal and delinquent activity and the response of the criminal justice system to such behavior. Discusses the significant contributions of outstanding criminologists, as well as elaborating on the application of these perspectives to criminal justice agencies. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191.

CJ 598.  Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice   (3).

Capstone course for criminal justice majors nearing the completion of the baccalaureate degree. Explores current criminal justice issues and integrates material learned in the criminal justice curriculum. Covers theories of crime and delinquency; origins and development of criminal law and procedure; functions and operations of criminal justice agencies in America, including the response to juvenile offenders; prevention of crime and delinquency; privatization in corrections and policing; the nature, meaning and purpose of criminal punishment; the nature and impact of criminal justice policy; and the relationship between criminal justice and human diversity. For undergraduate and graduate level criminal justice majors only. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191, 315, 320, 360, 391, 392, 394, 407, 593, senior standing or graduate level students majoring in criminal justice.

CJ 600.  Forensic Anthropology   (3).

Cross-listed as ANTH 600. Course focus is on recovery, analysis and identification of human and non-human remains in the area of criminal investigation. Includes lecture and case study presentations, hands-on lab analysis and investigation of human skeletal material, forensic profile estimation, and investigation of trauma and assessment of manner of death; forensic anthropology crime scene survey, mapping and documentation. Covers procedures of collection, recording, stabilization and documentation and anthropological identification. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 101 and ANTH 557 or equivalent is required for all Anthropology, Forensic Science and other non-criminal justice students. All criminal justice students must complete ANTH 101 and CJ 191 prior to taking CJ 600, and ANTH 557 is highly recommended.

CJ 601.  Digital Investigations   (3).

Discusses how computers play a role in both crime and criminal investigations. Although digital investigation is usually thought to be associated with cybercrimes, the class does not necessarily focus solely on cybercrimes. With today’s technologies, all crimes could involve digital evidence and hence require digital investigation. Students learn about the methods that criminals may adopt as well as the methods that investigators may use. Some coursework requires more-than-minimum computer knowledge and operation of computer software. Students need to have a functional computer and access to the internet.

CJ 620.  Technology in Criminal Justice   (3).

Explores the transformative role of technology in criminal justice. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of how to use modern technological advancements and data analytics that are reshaping the criminal justice system. Key topics include data analytics in crime prevention, digital forensics, surveillance technologies, the nature of cybercrime, information systems and privacy in criminal justice, and artificial intelligence and machine learning.

CJ 625.  Fundamentals of Criminal Intelligence   (3).

Provides a comprehensive introduction to criminal intelligence, covering the foundational concepts, methodologies and applications. Students gain an in-depth understanding of the compilation, analysis, dissemination and monitoring of criminal activity. Criminal law and procedures relevant to criminal intelligence are also covered in this course.

CJ 630.  Open-Source Intelligence   (3).

Introduces students to the concepts and techniques of OSINT, focusing on collecting, analyzing and applying publicly available information. Students learn how to leverage various sources of open data to support intelligence operations, investigations and decision-making processes. Through hands-on exercises, students are introduced to Linux applications, social media searches, and domain name and IP address queries.

CJ 635.  Crime Intelligence Analytics   (3).

Equips students with the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize various investigative tools and techniques essential for crime intelligence analysts. Emphasizing practical applications, the course covers data collection and management, geographic information systems (GIS), social network analysis, data visualization, and case management software.

CJ 640.  Crime Gun Intelligence: Intervening and Investigating Violent Crime   (3).

Provides an in-depth examination of gun intelligence, focusing on the methods and technologies used to track and analyze firearms-related data. The course also fills the knowledge gap between criminal intelligence and investigations so that students would be effective analysts or investigators of gun crime. Students learn how crime gun intelligence supports law enforcement efforts in crime prevention, investigation and prosecution. The topics covered in this course include firearms identification, ballistics analysis, the role of Crime Gun Intelligence Centers, and the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN).

CJ 641.  Forensic Psychiatry   (3).

Analyzes the role of psychiatry in the criminal justice process. Introduces the student to concepts and procedures of forensic psychiatry. Prerequisite(s): 15 credit hours of criminal justice courses including CJ 191, or junior, senior or graduate standing.

CJ 652.  Juvenile Justice and Social Policy   (3).

General education social and behavioral sciences course. Analyzes decision-making processes in juvenile justice and the content of juvenile law and Supreme Court decisions affecting juvenile justice, and selected problems in juvenile justice. Reviews the juvenile justice reform movement. Covers delinquency prevention and control, and ethical issues associated with juvenile justice. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191.

CJ 692.  Community Policing   (3).

Reviews the various models and strategies of community policing. Examines key concepts such as problem-oriented policing, crime prevention, community relations, empowering the community and the integration of these concepts into community policing. Prerequisite(s): 15 credit hours of criminal justice courses including CJ 191, or junior, senior or graduate standing.

CJ 781.  Cooperative Education   (1-5).

Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Open only to CJ graduate students. Repeatable for credit. No more than 6 credit hours may be counted toward a plan of study. Enrollment limited to 4 credit hours per semester.

CJ 783.  Advanced Special Topics in Criminal Justice   (1-4).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 783A, 783B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): CJ 191, junior, senior or graduate standing.

CJ 784.  Advanced Special Topic in Criminal Justice   (1-4).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 784A, 784B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

CJ 785.  Advanced Professional Responsibility in Criminal Justice   (3).

Explores the major components involved in the study of professional ethics, particularly as it applies to modern ethical decision-making in criminal justice and the interaction between professional standards and the criminal justice system and the public sector. Provides study of the application of ethical codes to the criminal justice system with a focus on advanced professional ethical issues in policing, corrections, the courts, punishment and public administration issues. Course includes diversity content.

CJ 796.  Criminal Typologies   (3).

Introduces an area of criminology that categorizes large amounts of information into mutually exclusive categories. Analyzes the various categories of crimes, the situations under which they are committed, the offenders who commit them and the victims of those offenses. Examines the offenses of homicide, rape/sexual assault, aggravated assault, robbery/armed robbery, burglary, auto theft/carjacking, prostitution, drugs, gambling, cybercrime, white collar crime/occupational crime, arson and hate crimes.