FA - Fine Arts
Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.
FA 110. Introduction to the Fine Arts (3).
General education fine arts course. Team taught introduction to significant developments in the fine arts, with an emphasis on culture, history, politics, technology, identity and globalization.
FA 301. An Introduction to Entrepreneurship in the Arts (3).
General education fine arts course. Helps students focus on business and marketing aspects of the arts. Examines from the artist's perspective techniques for launching a career in the arts. Gives attention to elementary concepts of marketing artistic talents, goal setting, financing, legal issues and public demographics.
FA 321. Avant-Garde Art, Film, Rock Music and Subcultures (3).
General education fine arts course. Exploration of 20th century avant-garde art and film movements and their influence on late 20th century popular music, visual culture, and countercultures and subcultures such as mod, glam, punk, hacker, goth, rave and others. Required attendance at art exhibitions, film screenings, lectures.
FA 481. Cooperative Education (1-2).
Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): satisfactory academic standing prior to the first job assignment.
FA 481N. Internship (1-2).
Complements and enhances the student's academic program by providing an opportunity to apply and acquire knowledge in a workplace environment as an intern. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
FA 710. Seminar in Creativity and Innovation (1-3).
As one of four core courses in the Master of Innovation Design, the purpose of this seminar is to help the student better understand and appreciate the subject of creativity. To that end, this course focuses on developing new ways of thinking which are different from those typically learned in single discipline design programs. The seminar provides many opportunities to apply these new ways of thinking through class exercises, possible course projects, and conversations with a wide array of guests who have prospered through incorporating creativity/innovation into what they do professionally. Students learn techniques for improving the flexibility and originality of their thinking and explore approaches used by others to create and sustain high levels of innovation. Topics include: personal thinking preferences, everyday creativity and eliminating mental blocks, creative thinking techniques, idea selection approaches, teaming techniques for creativity, conditions that promote creativity, design for interaction, disruptive technologies, and intellectual property. Seminar uses fun and hands-on activities to stimulate innovation. Repeatable for credit.
FA 750. Workshop (1-4).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 750A, 750B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.
FA 750M. Arts Partners (1).
Provides professional development in partnership with Wichita Arts Partners.
FA 760. Introduction to Adaptive Leadership (3).
Introduces the concept of adaptive leadership, a practical leadership framework that helps individuals and organizations adapt and thrive in challenging environments in order to make progress on the difficult challenges facing society, organizations and individuals.