LASI - LAS Interdisciplinary
Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.
LASI 103. StepUp to Higher Education (1).
Designed to promote reflection and support transition into college for students who belong to cohorts that may face particular challenges in stepping up to higher education. For example, such cohorts may include students who are first generation immigrants, veterans, Native, formerly incarcerated or who have a disability. By developing their institutional knowledge about higher education in general and WSU in particular, by reflectively examining their life course and particular challenges in the context of the liberal arts and sciences disciplines, and by working with faculty and staff to facilitate the transition into college, students prepare for entry into a degree program at WSU. This course is not a substitute for the First-Year Seminar.
LASI 150D. Major/Career Path (1).
A workshop that helps students choose or confirm directions for college majors and careers. Through group activities, personal exploration, and computer research, it allows students to form an action plan for their major and career choices.
LASI 150G. Interstellar Seminar (1).
Introduces students to current research topics in interstellar space sciences and offers an opportunity to interact with the scientists conducting active research. Covers a survey of topics related to interstellar peopled missions, from life support systems to propulsion to social issues. Each seminar is given by an expert in that area of study. This course is for nonmajors and does not fulfill science requirements for science majors. Course includes diversity content.
LASI 150J. Career Paths in the Legal Profession (1).
Students learn of career options for those holding a J.D. degree, as well as helpful advice about what to expect in law school. Classes are led by members of the legal profession who guide the students through an interactive exploration of a given area of legal practice. Possible speakers include local attorneys, federal and state judges, members of the faculty of KU Law, as well as individuals with J.D. degrees who are not practicing attorneys but are employed in occupations requiring their legal expertise.
LASI 150P. Intro to Premed Professions (1).
A workshop that assists students in making informed career choices. Instructors and guest speakers representing various health professions present information in a lecture format. Students explore how personal values and goals relate to selecting the appropriate professional path. Grade is based on class attendance.
LASI 170. Introduction to Library Research (1).
Focuses on each step in the research process, with an emphasis on identifying appropriate sources and critically analyzing information in order to apply it to a research topic. Assignments take students through the steps of preparing a research paper or project including refining a topic, selecting a variety of appropriate sources, and organizing information.
LASI 170BA. Badge: Library Research - Introduction (0.5).
Students learn to recognize when scholarly resources are needed, how to locate these resources, and how to evaluate the authority of these resources in order to prepare for college-level research. It is recommended that students take both LASI 170BA and LASI 170BB to better prepare for college-level research. Concepts introduced in this class advance in LASI 170BB — Library Research Badge: Resource Use, Citations and Plagiarism. Repeatable for credit. Graded Bg/NBg.
LASI 170BB. Badge: Library Research - Resource Use, Citations and Plagiarism (0.5).
Students learn to ethically access, evaluate and use information sources to accomplish a specific purpose such as preparation of a research paper or project in order to prepare for college-level research. It is recommended that students take both LASI 170BA and LASI 170BB to better prepare for college-level research. Concepts introduced in this class continue the concepts from LASI 170BA — Library Research Badge: Introduction. Repeatable for credit. Graded Bg/NBg.
LASI 170BC. Badge: Library Research - Plagiarism and APA Citations (0.5).
Students learn about various types of plagiarism, how to avoid plagiarism, and how to cite a variety of types of sources using APA 6th edition citation style. Graded Bg/NBg.
LASI 170BD. Badge: Library Research - Plagiarism and MLA Citations (0.5).
Students learn about various types of plagiarism, how to avoid plagiarism, and how to cite a variety of types of sources using MLA 8th edition citation style. Graded Bg/NBg.
LASI 300. Global Issues (3).
General education humanities course. Taught by faculty from many colleges and disciplines. Emphasizes challenges in the global village. May include peace and war, energy, social equality, the arts and technology, poetry and power, cultural differences, genetics, economic strategies, the environment, and health and education. May be applied to any of the disciplines of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Course includes diversity content.
LASI 398. Travel Seminar (0-4).
An interdisciplinary travel seminar which allows a student traveling abroad to gain credit for the study of culture, art, literature, architecture; and political, social, scientific and economic conditions while visiting historic places of interest. Students may enroll under the direction of a faculty member in any department in Fairmount College.
LASI 479. International Student Exchange (3-18).
The International Student Exchange Program encourages undergraduate students to attend a university outside the U.S. while retaining full-time student status and paying regular tuition at WSU. A student who wishes to enter this program must apply. Application forms may be obtained from the WSU Office of International Education; next, the student meets with his or her assigned program adviser to request academic and course equivalent approval to attend the proposed university. Upon approval from the student's WSU program, application may be completed. The enrollment designation above documents the status and the tuition payment of the student enrolled in ISEP for the duration of the residence at the collaborating university. At the end of the exchange semester, all coursework from the international university will be transferred to WSU. At that time, the transfer course(s) will replace the LASI hours of enrollment with only the International Student Exchange Program designation remaining on the transcript. Repeatable for two enrollment periods or a maximum of 30 credit hours.
LASI 480. National Student Exchange (1-18).
The National Student Exchange program encourages students to attend another university for a semester while retaining full-time student status and paying regular tuition at WSU. All coursework from the selected university is transferred to Wichita State at the end of the exchange semester. At that time, the transfer courses replace the WSU hours, with only the National Student Exchange designation remaining on the transcript. This enrollment designation documents the full-time status and the tuition payment of the student enrolled in the NSE program for the duration of the residence at the collaborating university. Repeatable for credit one time.
LASI 481. Cooperative Education (1-4).
Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Repeatable for credit.
LASI 481I. Noncredit Internship (0).
Complements and enhances the student's academic program by providing an opportunity to apply and acquire knowledge in a workplace environment as an intern. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
LASI 481N. Internship (1-4).
Complements and enhances the student's academic program by providing an opportunity to apply and acquire knowledge in a workplace environment as an intern. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
LASI 501. Great Plains Experience (1-3).
Offered during fall and spring semesters as a 1-hour field experience and in the summer session as a 3-hour field experience. For students in the Great Plains Studies certificate program. Visit museums, anthropological and archeological sites, nature preserves, and other places of significance in Great Plains Studies. Prerequisite(s): LASI 201 or 800 or instructor's consent.
LASI 750G. Interstellar Seminar (1).
Introduces students to current research topics in interstellar space sciences and offers an opportunity to interact with the scientists conducting active research. Covers a survey of topics related to interstellar peopled missions, from life support systems to propulsion to social issues. Each seminar is given by an expert in that area of study. This course is for nonmajors and does not fulfill science requirements for science majors.