MCLL - Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures
Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.
MCLL 304. Latin American and LatinX Thought (3).
General education humanities course. Cross-listed as PHIL 304. Examines the origins of Latin America, how social-political forces have shaped Latin American identity, and the borders that separate Anglo America and Latin America. Engages historically influential Latin American philosophers as well as contemporary Latinx philosophers. Course includes diversity content.
MCLL 351. Linguistics and World Languages (3).
Cross-listed as LING 351. Introduces general linguistic principles with an emphasis on world languages. Covers areas of linguistic structure (e.g. phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax), as well as social aspects of language (pragmatics, language variation, language contact, language endangerment, and the relationship between language and identity). Prerequisite(s): LING 151 or any third-semester world language course.
MCLL 351H. Linguistics and World Languages Honors (3).
Cross-listed as LING 351. Introduces general linguistic principles with an emphasis on world languages. Covers areas of linguistic structure (e.g. phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax), as well as social aspects of language (pragmatics, language variation, language contact, language endangerment, and the relationship between language and identity). Prerequisite(s): LING 151 or any third-semester world language course.
MCLL 411F. Preteaching Internship PreK-6 (1).
This field experience allows world language students to spend an extended length of time in a PreK-6 classroom working with a cooperating teacher. Students evaluate their own instruction and plan for improvement. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into teacher education and successful completion of Core I and Core II through the College of Applied Studies.
MCLL 413F. Preteaching Internship 6-12 (1).
This field experience allows world language students to spend an extended length of time in a 6-12-grade classroom working with a cooperating teacher. Students evaluate their own instruction and plan for improvement. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into teacher education and successful completion of Core I and Core II through the College of Applied Studies.
MCLL 420. Badge: ASL in Health Care Settings (0.5).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 420A, 420B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Graded Bg/NBg. Course includes diversity content.
MCLL 420BA. Badge: ASL in Health Care Settings - Introduction to Health Care Interpreting (0.5).
Designed to promote an infusion of resources related to interpreting in health care. Introduces the benefits and challenges of interpreting in health care settings in an effort to prepare interpreters to make well-informed decisions about their readiness and qualifications for interpreting in these settings. Common questions asked during the health history and physical interview are covered while exploring how different cultural and linguistic abilities, perspectives, and life experiences may affect a patient's understanding and perception of the health care system. Graded Bg/NBg. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): fluent in ASL/English interpreting.
MCLL 420BB. Badge: ASL in Health Care Settings - Medical Terminology (0.5).
Focuses on increasing the interpreter’s vocabulary across a variety of medical terminology in order to accurately communicate appropriate information regarding a wide variety of medical conditions. Includes terminology related to cardiology, gastroenterology, OB/GYN, mental health and others. Graded Bg/NBg. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): fluent in ASL/English interpreting.
MCLL 454F. ISAM: PreK-12 World Languages (3).
Examines methods of instruction in relation to world languages and teaching in a variety of settings. Covers progress assessment, classroom management, and explores instructional approaches for guiding world language students. Minimum grade requirement to succeed in this course: B-. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into teacher education and successful completion of Core I and Core II courses through the College of Applied Studies.
MCLL 455F. Teaching Internship Seminar in World Languages (1).
Examines and discusses experiences emerging from the preteaching internship, including planning school programs and assuming the responsibilities of a teacher. Minimum grade requirement to succeed in this course: B-. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into teacher education, successful completion of Core I, Core II and Core III courses through the College of Applied Studies. Corequisite(s): Teaching Internship.
MCLL 466. Teaching Internship PreK-12 in World Languages (12).
Minimum grade requirement to succeed in this class: B-. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into teacher education, successful completion of Core I, Core II and Core III courses through the College of Applied Studies, 2.500 GPA in the major. Corequisite(s): Teaching Internship Seminar.
MCLL 482. Intro to Sign Language Interpreting (3).
Overview of the profession of interpreting. Includes the history of interpreting, terminology, the responsibilities, skills, aptitudes of interpreters, the process of becoming an interpreter, employment environment and options, and current issues. Prerequisite(s): MCLL 360.
MCLL 518. Deaf Culture (3).
Examines various cultural aspects of the deaf community. Presents the interrelationship of language and culture along with a study of socialization, norms and values. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content.
MCLL 520. ASL: Visual-Gestural Communication (3).
Cross-listed as LING 520. Visual/gestural manner of communication which forms an integral communicative basis in American Sign Language. Emphasizes the use and understanding of facial expression, gestures, pantomime and body language. Role play and acting out are required as part of this class. For undergraduate credit only. Pre- or corequisite(s): MCLL 360 or instructor's consent.
MCLL 570. American Sign Language and English Translation (3).
Enables undergraduate deaf and hearing students to expand their capacity to use critical ASL discourse elements in translation and interpretation work. The course develops English to ASL translation skills by practicing visualization through role plays and narratives. Hearing and deaf interpreting students learn to focus on meaning rather than form, apply the use of depiction, constructed action, conversational skills, and visual/spatial aspects of ASL to their translations. The course explores how English and ASL, as discrete sign systems, convey ideas to produce messages in different settings (business, medical and educational). For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): four semesters (12 credit hours) of American Sign Language or departmental consent.
MCLL 670. Interpreting Interaction: Translation and Consecutive Interpretation (3).
Focuses on translating and interpreting skills in small group interactions using source materials with legal implications in educational, medical, governmental and commercial settings. Students analyze co-constructed meaning in light of interactive discourse strategies and practice translation and consecutive interpreting as precursors to simultaneous interpretation. Students incorporate activities of planning and preparation for interpreting assignments and follow ethical practices in their work. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Capstone course. Prerequisite(s): MCLL 570 or departmental consent.
MCLL 720. American Sign Language (3).
Focuses on providing more advanced experiences and communication techniques in American Sign Language (ASL) with expressive/receptive fingerspelling, use of classifiers (depicting verbs), and the use of ASL numbering systems. Numbers include cardinal, ordinal and informational numbers, along with those related to time, measurements, sports and math. Prerequisite(s): MCLL 270 with a grade of C (2.000 points/credit hour) or better, and instructor's consent.