NURS - Nursing
Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.
NURS 302. Professional Nursing Practice (3).
Explores the discipline and scope of professional nursing. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the nursing program.
NURS 309. Fundamentals of Nursing Care (2).
Focuses on beginning skills including evidence-based practice. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the nursing program.
NURS 312. Fundamentals of Nursing Lab (2).
Focuses on learning and performing basic nursing skills. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the nursing program.
NURS 320. Nursing Care of Adults I (4).
First of two sequential courses. Focuses on applying critical thinking and evidence-based practice to select health issues of adults. Prerequisite(s): 5th semester nursing courses.
NURS 325. Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice (2).
Cross-listed as DH 334. Emphasizes the discovery, analysis and application of evidence to support clinical practice. Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
NURS 329. Evidence-Based Nursing for the Practicing RN (3).
Provides opportunities for students to examine the application of evidence-based practice in the global health care environment with emphasis on developing skills in the critical evaluation of published research and use of evidence to support nursing practice. Prerequisite(s): admission to the RN-BSN program and completion of STAT 370 or equivalent, or departmental consent.
NURS 337. Foundations of Nursing Leadership for the Practicing RN (4).
Designed for the transitioning of registered nurses entering the BSN completion program. Focuses on professional concepts to advance the student's repertoire of nursing knowledge in an ever changing and complex arena of professional nursing. Prerequisite(s): admission to the RN-BSN program; and completion of NURS 329.
NURS 341. Mental Health Nursing Care (2).
Focuses on the study of mental health nursing. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): 5th semester nursing courses.
NURS 343. Mental Health Practicum (1).
Focuses on the application of nursing care for patients with mental health issues. Prerequisite(s): 5th semester nursing courses.
NURS 344. Health Assessment (2).
Focuses on holistic assessment of patients from diverse populations. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the nursing program.
NURS 346. Health Assessment for the Practicing RN (3).
Emphasizes multiple methods of data collection relevant to the health status of individuals and families across the life span. The focus is a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to clinical assessment skills. The student applies clinical reasoning in situations of health, and deviations from health, to strengthen the registered nurse's competence in drawing valid inferences from available data. Prerequisite(s): admission to the RN-BSN program.
NURS 347. Health Assessment Lab (2).
Focuses on performing holistic assessments. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the nursing program.
NURS 349. Therapeutic Nutrition (1).
Focuses on the nutritional needs of patients with select health issues. Open to nonmajors. General nutrition course. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into nursing program, departmental consent.
NURS 361. Care of Adults I Practicum (2).
Practicum course focusing on therapeutic interventions for the human response to illness. Prerequisite(s): 5th semester nursing courses.
NURS 362. Clinical Care Lab (1).
Focuses on progression of nursing skills. Prerequisite(s): 5th semester nursing courses.
NURS 366. Health Care of Older Adults (2).
Focuses on how aging impacts health. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): 5th semester nursing courses.
NURS 375. Health Care Informatics (1).
Focuses on the strategic role of information systems in health care. Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the nursing program, departmental consent.
NURS 380. Maternal/Newborn Nursing Care (2).
Focuses on maternal/newborn family-centered nursing care. Prerequisite(s): 5th semester nursing courses.
NURS 381. Maternal/Newborn Practicum (1).
Focuses on providing maternal/newborn family-centered nursing care to individuals in the childbearing process. Prerequisite(s): 5th semester nursing courses.
NURS 391. Practicum Care of the Client with Mental Health Diagnosis for Licensed Mental Health Technician (2).
Focuses on the application of licensed mental health technician (LMTH) care for patients in mental health care environments. Prerequisite(s): PSY 111.
NURS 393. Practicum Care of the Aging Behavioral Health Client for the Licensed Mental Health Technician (3).
Focuses on the application of licensed mental health technician (LMTH) care for patients with mental health diagnosis in the aging population. Prerequisite(s): PHS 404.
NURS 394. Behavioral Health Care in the Community for the Licensed Mental Health Technician (LMHT) (2).
Focuses on the application of LMTH (Licensed Mental Health Technician) assessment in the community (outpatient) setting of the patient with mental health diagnosis. Prerequisite(s): PSY 111.
NURS 395. Fundamentals of Nursing Care for the Licensed Mental Health Technician (LMHT) (2).
Focuses on beginning nursing skills for the Licensed Mental Health Technician (LMHT). Includes practicum hours with a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA). Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the licensed mental health technician (LMHT) pathway.
NURS 401. Nursing Care of Adults II (4).
Second of two sequential courses. Focuses on applying critical thinking and evidence-based practice to select health issues of adults.
NURS 407. Foundations of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (1).
Focuses on the foundational principles for promoting and improving health care quality and patient safety at the micro-system level. Prerequisite(s): 6th semester nursing courses.
NURS 412. Care of Adults II Practicum (2).
Practicum course focuses on the comprehensive care of the human response to illness of adults. Prerequisite(s): 6th semester nursing courses.
NURS 431. Pediatric Nursing (2).
Focuses on family-centered nursing of the pediatric population. Prerequisite(s): 6th semester nursing courses.
NURS 432. Pediatric Nursing Practicum (1).
Focuses on family-centered nursing care of the pediatric population. Prerequisite(s): 6th semester nursing courses.
NURS 451. Care of Populations for the Practicing RN (3).
Focuses on public health nursing practice which integrates public health standards, competencies, essential services, principles and core functions toward the goal of improving the health of populations. Determinants of health including genetics, environmental and biopsychosocial factors are examined. Infectious disease, epidemiology, bioterrorism and disaster management principles are incorporated. Prerequisite(s): admission to the RN-BSN program; NURS 329.
NURS 452. Nursing Care of Populations (2).
Focuses on nursing practice which integrates public health standards toward the goal of improving the health of populations. Prerequisite(s): 6th semester nursing courses.
NURS 462. Nursing Leadership Management (3).
Focuses on development and application of nursing leadership/management in health care. Prerequisite(s): 7th semester nursing courses.
NURS 471. Complex Care of Adults Practicum (2).
Focuses on the application of nursing care for patients with complex health care issues. Prerequisite(s): 7th semester nursing courses.
NURS 479. Complex Care of Adults (3).
Emphasizes the nursing care of patients with complex health issues. Prerequisite(s): 7th semester nursing courses.
NURS 481. Cooperative Education (1-8).
Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the freshman year and satisfactory academic standing prior to the first job assignment.
NURS 490. Healthcare Leadership for the Practicing RN (3).
Provides students with an opportunity to examine managerial and leadership concepts, issues, roles and functions. Leadership concepts are applied to the nursing role in the evolving health care environment. Prerequisite(s): admission to the RN-BSN program or departmental consent; NURS 329; NURS 337, NURS 346 and NURS 451.
NURS 496. Nursing Leadership Practicum for the Practicing RN (2).
Offers the student a leadership practice experience. The clinical experience results in collaborative partnerships with health care leaders. Prerequisite(s): completion of NURS 346, NURS 329, NURS 337, NURS 451 and NURS 490.
NURS 497. Capstone (2).
Focuses on the transition from the role of expert student to the role of novice professional nurse in a select setting. Prerequisite(s): 7th semester nursing courses.
NURS 498. Senior Seminar (2).
Focuses on the transition from expert student to novice professional nurse within the context of the student's self-awareness of professional goals. Prerequisite(s): 7th semester nursing courses.
NURS 701. Advanced Health Assessment (2).
Designed to assist students to refine history taking, psychosocial assessment and physical assessment skills. Focuses on assessment of individuals throughout the life span. Emphasis is placed on detailed health history taking, differentiation, interpretation and documentation of normal and abnormal findings. Course includes lecture, discussion, and integrated history-taking and physical assessment assignments. May be taken concurrently with or prior to NURS 702. Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate nursing program.
NURS 702. Advanced Health Assessment Laboratory (1).
Companion course for NURS 701. Apply history-taking and assessment skills within a laboratory setting. Emphasizes differentiation, interpretation and documentation of normal and abnormal findings. Requires a complete history and physical examination of a client. Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate nursing program. Pre- or corequisite(s): NURS 701 (NURS 702 must be taken within one year of completing NURS 701).
NURS 703. Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice (3).
Emphasizes the role of theory in developing knowledge-based advanced nursing practice. Relationships among theory, research and practice are addressed. The application of selected theories, models and frameworks to advanced practice nursing is discussed. Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate nursing program.
NURS 715. Advanced Nursing Practice Roles (1).
Designed for the student preparing for advanced practice nursing. The historical development of the advanced practice role, as well as current and future professional and legal descriptions of advanced practice nursing roles is explored. Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate nursing program.
NURS 720. Human Lactation (3-4).
For the student interested in supporting lactating people. This course focuses on the anatomical and physiological basis of lactation, support of the chest/breastfeeding dyad, and complex issues impacting successful initiation and duration of lactation. The course examines how history, policy, culture and diversity impact feeding decisions. Lactation as health promotion and disease prevention is addressed. Course content prepares the student for certification as a lactation counselor or consultant. Open to non-nursing majors and nondegree seeking students. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate school.
NURS 723. Foundations of Nursing Education (3).
Assists the student to explore theoretical and practical aspects of curriculum development, and teaching of nursing in higher education and continuing education. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
NURS 724. Nursing Education Practicum (1-3).
Students, under professional guidance, become directly involved in clinical and classroom teaching, curriculum development and participation in other faculty functions in higher education and continuing education, or patient education. A seminar and directed observation of a master teacher accompanies the field experience. Repeatable for a total of 6 credits hours. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent. Pre- or corequisite(s): NURS 723.
NURS 725. Integrated Advanced Health Assessment, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology (4).
Designed for the master’s student who is obtaining a degree focused on nursing education. Students integrate concepts of advanced physical assessment, pathophysiology and pharmacology principles and skills for a comprehensive examination of clients across the lifespan. Building on basic health assessment (physical and mental), pathophysiology and pharmacology knowledge, the student synthesizes and applies the integrated concepts for clinical decision-making. Focus is on common deviations from normal.
NURS 728. Advanced Practice Technology and Skills (3).
Focuses on application of clinical skills, advanced health assessment, and interpretation of technologies used in a variety of clinical settings. Students practice these skills in laboratory and clinical settings. Students practice history-taking and physical examination, with emphasis on differentiation, interpretation and documentation of normal and abnormal findings. A 40-hour precepted experience is included.
NURS 733. Diabetes Mellitus Nursing (3).
Exploration of clinical theories; identifies and studies appropriate nursing systems for clients with diabetes mellitus. Emphasizes attaining and maintaining optimal levels of functioning and the psychological adjustment of the client and family to a potentially devastating disease. Open to non-nursing majors.
NURS 757. Teaching Strategies for Nursing Education (3).
Analysis of teaching strategies for the nurse educator to accommodate the changing health care scene. Teaching methods, including technology appropriate for a variety of learners, and learning environments are discussed. Roles of the nurse educator across the scope of learning environments are investigated: nursing education, in-service and patients/clients/families. Current issues and trends influencing nursing education are explored. The course focuses on the use of research-based evidence to guide teaching strategies .May be taken by graduate nursing students or undergraduate nursing students with senior standing. Pre- or corequisite(s): NURS 723.
NURS 758. Curriculum Development and Outcome Evaluation for Nurse Educators (4).
Includes an analysis of the structural components of a nursing academic program. Additionally, the student performs a comprehensive examination of the curriculum design and outcome evaluation role of the nurse educator. During the later portion of the course, the student explores various ways in which scientific evidence is applied in academic programs, including how best practices are integrated in curriculum assessment and program evaluation. Finally, an educational continuous quality improvement initiative is developed based on program data analysis from an academic case study.
NURS 793. Advanced Pathophysiology I (4).
Explores in depth scientific knowledge base relevant to selected pathophysiological states confronted in advanced nursing practice. Provides the basis for the foundation of clinical decisions related to diagnostic tests and the initiation of therapeutic regimens. Age-specific and developmental alterations are correlated with clinical diagnosis and management. Application is made through age-appropriate examples and case studies. Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate nursing program or instructor's consent.
NURS 795A. Applied Drug Therapy I (3).
Discusses the clinical application of specific categories of drugs commonly encountered in primary care settings. Explains the use of protocols, prescription writing, and the ethical/legal and economic issues surrounding the advanced nurse's role in prescribing and monitoring pharmacologic therapies in the ambulatory setting. Discusses factors such as age-appropriate content related to pharmacokinetics, dosages, expected outcomes and side effects of the drugs. Addresses first line versus second line drugs, alternate drugs, drug interactions, adjusting drug dosages, patient education and compliance issues related to drug therapy. Explores the nurse practitioner's role and responsibility related to data collection, problem identification and consultation with the physician. Application is made through age-appropriate case studies. Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate nursing program and departmental consent.
NURS 795B. Applied Drug Therapy II (3).
Expands the clinical application of drug therapy in the primary care setting. Employs evidence-based medicine to determine the proper management of the various disease states discussed. Application is made through age appropriate case studies including complex patients. Prerequisite(s): NURS 795A, admission to graduate nursing program.
NURS 796. Nursing Practicum in Special Settings (1-6).
Opportunity for directed practice in various settings including clinical specialties, nursing administration, nursing education and consultation. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
NURS 799. Directed Readings in Nursing (1-2).
Student engages in critical search of the literature in areas related to the profession and practice of nursing. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.