Housed in the School of Performing Arts, and in collaboration with the School of Music, the BFA in performing arts - music theatre is an intensive, interdisciplinary, performance-oriented major. Admittance into the program is by competitive auditions held twice a year. The program offers equal emphasis in music, theatre and dance skills. Career counseling and an understanding of the business is emphasized. Students interested in music theatre as a profession will gain the training and techniques needed to succeed in this demanding and competitive career.

Program Requirements

  • Total credit hours for graduation 120 minimum, overall GPA 2.000 (2.500 for scholarship consideration); and
  • A C or better is required for all major required courses, including THEA and/or DANC electives; and
  • Must complete the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the College of Fine Arts as well as the required courses below.

Major Requirements: 86 credit hours including:

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 134-35
Core Curriculum Courses
THEA 150PProduction Experience1
THEA 150RProduction Processes1
THEA 280Inclusion in Performing Arts1
THEA 180EPerforming Arts Seminar (freshman seminar)1
THEA 498Capstone Project1
THEA 368Collaborative Community Project1
THEA 370Professional Practices for the Performing Arts2
Theatre Requirements
THEA 222Voice and Movement for the Actor 1 - Speech and Diction2
THEA 243Acting 1 - Foundations3
THEA 228Script Analysis3
THEA 342Acting 2 - Scene Study3
THEA 351Acting 3 - Acting for the Camera3
THEA 260History of Musical Theatre3
THEA 321Musical Theatre Repertoire (four enrollments of 1 credit hour)4
THEA 330Auditions for Musical Theatre 12
THEA 430Musical Theatre Scene Study2
THEA 479Directing the Musical3
THEA 492Auditions for Musical Theatre 23
Dance Requirements
DANC 381Dance Somatics1
DANC 380Dance Conditioning1
DANC 210Ballet Technique 12
DANC 215Dance Improvisation1
DANC 201Contemporary Technique 12
DANC 301Contemporary Technique 22
DANC 235Jazz Technique 1 (or as advised)2
DANC 332Music Theatre Dance 12
DANC 432Music Theatre Dance 22
DANC 240Tap 12
DANC 340Tap 22
DANC 130VHip Hop I2
Music Requirement
Take six semesters of the following12
Applied Music Instruction for Majors - Voice
and Applied Music Instruction for Majors - Voice
MUSC 127Musicianship 12
MUSC 128Musicianship 22
MUSC 129Aural Skills 12
MUSC 130Aural Skills 22
Take two semesters of the following2
Piano Class Level I - Music Majors
and Piano Class Level II - Music Majors
Take two semesters of the following2
Voice Coaching
Take two semesters from the following2
Concert Chorale
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.

Incoming students with previous training in dance will be assessed to determine appropriate class level. With approval from instructors, those with prior training may substitute upper-division courses for entry level classes. Credit hours must still total 120.

Students with prior piano skills may take a proficiency exam and test out of piano class.

Music theatre majors must audition for all department musicals. Students receiving scholarships are required to perform as cast. All majors must obtain departmental approval prior to performing off campus. Permission is granted on a case-by-case basis. With instructor’s consent, students not cast in department musicals are encouraged to audition for roles and internships at the many professional and community theatres that flourish in Wichita. Majors are encouraged to audition for, and participate in theater, dance and opera productions, as well as musicals.

The faculty seeks to produce graduates who will be competitive in the professional performing world.

Applied Learning

All students in a School of Performing Arts bachelor degree track or concentration are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing a formal capstone project. Students create a major project whether self-generated, an extension of coursework, or through advanced participation in producing a public performance. Through the capstone experience, students develop and demonstrate, in a hands-on, real world context, the skills, knowledge and competencies required in their area of emphasis. Students in the School of Performing Arts develop a diverse portfolio of experiences, materials and intellectual properties through a broad offering of applied experiences in their four years. The capstone project provides a practical context for academic, experiential and personal growth through the college experience. The final, real product of the SPA's program of applied learning is a young professional prepared for the future.