Program Requirements for All BBA Programs

Candidates for the Bachelor of Business Administration degree must satisfy the following Barton School of Business requirements:

Note: If a minimum grade is required, it is listed after the course, example: (C-)

  1. Complete WSU foundation, general education and any additional university graduation requirements. Business majors need either: 
    Course Title Hours
    Select one of the following:3-5
    College Algebra (C-) 1
    Precalculus Mathematics (C-) 1
  2. Complete advanced standing requirements:
    Course Title Hours
    BADM 100Exploring the World of Business3
    Select one of the following:3-5
    Business Calculus 1
    Calculus I 1
    ECON 231Introductory Business Statistics3
    ECON 232Statistical Software Applications for Business1
    BADM 162Business Software: Excel (C-)1
    ACCT 210Financial Accounting3
    ACCT 220Managerial Accounting 23
    ECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics 13
    ECON 202Principles of Microeconomics 13
  3. Complete business core requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration degree:
    Course Title Hours
    MKT 300Marketing 23
    ENTR 310The Entrepreneurial Experience3
    IB 333International Business 13
    FIN 340Financial Management - Fundamental Valuation Analysis 23
    DS 350Operations Management3
    MGMT 360Principles of Management3
    MIS 395Management Information Systems (MIS majors are not required to complete MIS 395)3
    BLAW 431Legal Environment of Business3
    MGMT 681Strategic Management (capstone)3
  4. Complete at least 50 percent of the total upper-division business credit hours at Wichita State University.
  5. Achieve a grade point average of 2.000 or better on:
    1. All college work,
    2. All work taken at Wichita State, and
    3. All business core and current major(s) courses taken at Wichita State.
  6. Submit an application for degree through the myWSU portal before the deadline: October 1 for fall graduates, March 1 for spring and summer graduates. See — Business Advising Center website3.
  7. Complete the Barton School exit survey (in the final semester at WSU).

Note: These courses may count towards the general education requirements.


Some majors may have minimum grade requirements — see specific major courses.


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