Program Requirements

A minimum total of 120 credit hours is required for the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in international business. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements for all BBA programs set by the W. Frank Barton School of Business, candidates for the BBA in international business must satisfy the following requirements of the curricular major:

All majors must contain at least 12 unduplicated credit hours. All minors must contain at least 3 unduplicated credit hours.

Students majoring in international business must make two choices early in their program:

  1. Minor. International business majors must choose a functional area of business as a minor: accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, human resource management, management, management information systems, marketing, operations management or personal selling. The minor credit hours are not part of the 21 credit hours required for the international business major. A major in these functional areas of business would also meet this requirement.
  2. International Experience. International business majors are required to participate in an academic international experience. The preferred option is to study abroad at least one semester at a university outside the United States. Alternatives: a short-term academic international study tour or completing a course that includes a virtual international experience ( IB 603). Nine (9) international experience credit hours can be applied toward the 21 credit hours required for the international business major. International students who are attending classes on campus at WSU may be deemed to have met the international experience requirement. Other experiences or special circumstances can be reviewed by an academic advisor to determine if they qualify to meet the international experience requirements.
Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 134-35
College Requirements 2
Bachelor of Business Administration Core Requirements27
Advanced Standing Requirements23-25
International Business Major
IB 561International Economics and Business3
IB 600International Management3
IB 601International Marketing3
Directed Electives
Select 12 credit hours from the following12
Principles of Global Supply Chain Management and Logistics
Successful Negotiation
Cooperative Education
Independent Study/Project
International Financial Management
Special Topics in International Business
Introduction to International Relations
Comparative Politics
U.S. Foreign Policy
International Political Economy
Virtual International Consulting Experience
Language courses: 200-level and above
International experience: Students may count up to 9 credit hours of international experience toward their directed electives
Directed electives will be limited to only two non-business courses
Open Electives
Select enough electives to reach 120 credit hours12-15
Total Credit Hours120

Note for international students: International students who are already studying abroad at WSU or who have transferred to WSU from another country may be deemed to have met the international experience requirement. International students who choose their home region need to work with an advisor to plan their courses to fulfill cultural/area studies requirements. It is recommended that non-English speakers choose courses on U.S. culture, history and/or political systems to fulfill these requirements. International students who choose a regional emphasis outside their home region are required to fulfill the same cultural/area studies requirements as domestic students.


Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


See the Bachelor of Business Administration page of the catalog for a full explanation of these college requirements.

Applied Learning

Students in the BBA - international business program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by taking IB 333 International Business.

As part of this course, students must complete a "Family Vacation Assignment". In this assignment, each student is required to collect data on current events that affect international business, and demonstrate their ability to engage with and put that data in a usable format. They are further required to interview two people who have worked, lived or are from two different countries, identified from the family vacation project.